
I read the George Orwell novel a few months ago and I thoroughly enjoyed it. At the time, I dismissed it as a sci-fi and nothing more.

Until last week. I hit up my regular bar and proceeded to indulge in some liquor consumption. There was another solo guy sitting next to me by the bar so I struck up the conversation. We made small talk and the conversation logically ended up on the topic of girls as is usual with drunk guys. Being the nice guy that I am, I attempted to convert this friendly guy to the ranks of the enlightened by illuminating him with the shine of the red pill. But something weird started happening.

As I spoke, I noticed a growing visible discomfort in his manner and speech. He heard the truth, but refused to listen. At one point of our discussion, he flat out told me “You shouldn’t say things like that out loud man, it’s dangerous”. I was shocked. I asked him why, he told me “I dunno man, you can’t think like that, or at least don’t say it. People will call you a misogynist and a woman hater, and it could have consequences for your future. Be careful”.

At that moment, I thought back to the 1984 and one particular concept : thoughtcrime. I was guilty of thinking things that oppose or question the ruling ideology. For that crime, I could be punished with social shunning, labeling, shaming and who knows what else that would make my life hell. It was a bit disturbing to hear that I couldn’t voice my opinions freely, especially when they were not even that abrasive.

Later that night, a young lady I’m seeing who was supposed to meet me at the bar I was at earlier tracked me down successfully(I still have no clue how she did it) in another neighborhood bar. We went to a club after that with an outdoor heated patio which was pretty packed.

Again, the idea that I couldn’t say certain things out loud in public was echoed by her when I broached topics of obesity, single motherhood and personal responsibility.

At that point, I realized people care very little about the truth. Anything that challenges their beliefs is unacceptable and should be silenced. The truth is usually ugly and hard to face, so I can understand that to some extent. But life is not a fairy tale. You live in the real world, not in a Disney fantasy. The truth will always be the truth regardless of how much you try to shame those who speak it.

Today, I realize that 1984 was not very far from the truth. Thoughtcrime doesn’t have as dire consequences as in the book, but it can still totally ruin your life prospects and dismantle your social circle. This only goes to show, you can only help those who want to be helped. Leave the others to their castles in the air and watch as these castles eventually fade away and reveal that they have been an illusion this whole time.

The guy I was conversing with initially opened a 2 set that came conspicuously close to us to seat themselves while I was smoking outside the bar. I came back and saw that he was struggling, qualifying himself to the “hotter” girl and being a generic AFC. Bleh. I tried to wing him as there was no way he  could handle 2 chicks, but I ended up getting both of them interested in me. It is funny how merely being aloof and using a bit of teasing and innuendo goes a long way in making you look better than 90% of guys. Had he listened to me instead of trying to shut me down for committing thoughtcrime, he would have probably gone home with one of them considering he was relatively attractive.

It’s a shame my young lady friend tracked me down as I had gotten those two chicks to come with me to another bar and fully had plans for my first threesome, plans which were going well from the girls’ reactions and the logistic situation.

But this whole incident raises an interesting question. How far are you willing to go for your beliefs? Are you willing to disregard the societal pressure to spread the word, or will you censor what you express to fit in and wantonly use your knowledge to take advantage of this society that censors you?

Both are equally valid in my eyes. I know I will never stop calling out fat people. Not only is it an affront to my sensibilities and shows a complete lack of self control and dignity, it is also a matter of national security, and a waste of your tax dollars.

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